Fifty-two weeks - fifty-two spices

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spider-Man Underpants

I don't have anything coriander-related for today, so here is a cute story.

Victoria and I spent last weekend up at my folks' house. Since Benjamin was born, I've probably seen more of my parents than I have at any point since high school, and it's all win/win; they get to enjoy having their grandkid, and I get to enjoy not having him.

I've heard most of my family's stories about me hundreds of times, but last weekend I got one from my mother that I had never heard before. When I was about two, my folks were settling in to potty train me. As I assume is true for most kids, the actual mechanics were easy - teaching the kid to learn to use a toilet isn't that hard, it's the follow-through that is generally the issue; getting the kid to do it once he knows how.

So, phase one had been completed, and my mom had moved on to the hard part - getting me to change my behavior. As all good parents do, she resorted to bribery. "Aaron, I've got this pair of Spider-Man underpants for you. But these are only for big boys, who use the potty." I looked at the prize she was holding, looked at the bathroom, walked in, used the toilet, and took my Spidey underpants. And that was pretty much it. I wasn't about to lose something that cool over something as silly not using the toilet.

With great power truly does come great responsibility.

What the heck am I going to do if Benjamin turns out to not be a nerd? Will I be able to relate to him at all?

1 comment:

  1. Ryan's bribe that worked was having a sleep-over. Maybe that's a hybrid nerd-socialite solution?
