Fifty-two weeks - fifty-two spices

Monday, June 7, 2010

Scallops with Dill Cream Sauce

So I started writing my post on the dill-crusted tilapia, and then I kind of half-remembered that I had done something very similar a while back. So I went to check through my older posts, to see if I was right, and while I was doing that something shiny appeared and I was all like, huh, a shiny thing, and I wondered what it was and why it was there, and it was pretty and shiny and I tried to get it but it got away.


What was I talking about? Oh right. A shiny thing. In any case, I never figured out whether I duplicated an earlier recipe, just using dill instead of something else. I really need to make up an excel spreadsheet or something. In the meantime, I made something for dinner tonight which obviated the need for me to do background research on my own blog, so I'ma write about that.

Victoria and I had a date to watch Iron Man this evening - I had meant to go see Iron Man 2 with my brother, last week when I was up in New Jersey. My parents threw a first birthday party for Benjamin, and...

How to put this.

My dad's friend Kolya showed up early. This is a man who is two hours late for everything, and he showed up early. Why is this a problem? Well, it's a problem because by the time the majority of the guests showed up, a half hour later, I was already six shots in. And every time anyone wanted to drink a toast to my son, well, guess who had to drink with them?

So by about five - if I'm being generous to myself - I was what one could probably refer to as "passed right the hell out." No Iron Man. But I really liked the first movie, really want to see the second one... but going to see a blockbuster alone (or with a 1-year-old) is really not much fun. (Now, that's not to say that I don't look forward, more than any other part of the parenting experience, to a time when I can sit down with Benjamin and we can watch Batman cartoons together.)

Much to my delight, my wife stepped up to the plate here and said she'd like to go with me. Definitely good times; Victoria and I each have our own nerdy interests, but it's always nice when there's a little bit of crossover there. Sometimes I go to see her Morris dancing; sometimes she plays games or watches comic-book-derived entertainment with me. Obviously, if she's going to see Iron Man 2 with me, we need to see the first movie beforehand, so this is kind of a two-in-one for me.

Now, I don't know very much at all about women. In fact, I can probably sum up everything I know in two bullet points:

1. Women really like having their back scratched right under their bra clasp.
2. If they're doing something that is outside of their comfort zone, and you want them to do it again, make sure the experience is as enjoyable as possible and that they are aware of how much you enjoyed having them do it.

So, for our stay-at-home date to watch Iron Man, I decided I wanted to make scallops, which I know that she really enjoys. I looked up a few recipes, didn't find anything that really blew me away, so I winged it. I'm really starting to feel a lot of confidence with the process - coming up with an idea in my head, reading a few recipes that are close or have elements that I'm trying to reproduce, then putting the pieces together to make my dish.

In this case, I knew that I wanted to have scallops and dill in the dish. I also was laboring under the fairly serious restriction that supermarket day is tomorrow, so the house is fairly empty of veggies. I settled on something fairly simple - I pictured the scallops on top of some pasta, with some sort of butter or cream sauce. This is what I wound up with. It was delicious, and surprisingly quick to make.

Scallops with Dill Cream Sauce

1 Lb. Scallops
1/4 stick butter
1/4 onion, chopped
1/2 cup sherry
Heavy cream

Sea Salt

Throw a nice big pat of butter in a pan and get it nice and warm - not sizzling, but enough to cook the scallops. Throw the little guys in there, and sprinkle them with some sea salt, some pepper, and some dill. (The dill is probably not going to carry significant flavor here, but I liked the way it looked. I used sea salt instead of kosher because it seemed like a good place to add the more complex flavor of the sea salt.) Give them a minute or two, depending on how big they are, then flip them over. They should be browning when you flip them, but don't let them stay on too long - I'm told scallops are really easy to overcook. Repeat, and when they're done, remove them to a plate and cover to keep warm.

Throw in the rest of the butter and saute the onions. When they're starting to turn golden, in goes the sherry. It should sizzle a bit; keep it moving, and while you're at it use it to deglaze anything left of the pan. When about half the sherry has cooked off - shouldn't be more than 5-10 minutes - add in the heavy cream. Unfortunately, I didn't really measure the amount of cream I used; I would guess that I added no more than a quarter cup, probably less. Enough to thicken the sauce and make it a nice light brown color; I see no reason you couldn't add more to make it even creamier, though.

Toss in a bit more pepper and a bit more salt; stir in the cream, warming it but not letting it go above a simmer. (My gut tells me that would get messy quickly.) At the very end, throw in the dill; I probably added about two tablespoons, all told. Give it a few more stirs - enough to mix the dill, no more, you don't want to lose the dill's flavor - and take it off the heat.

I served the scallops on a bed of linguine, and poured the sauce on top of it. Victoria licked the plate clean, and loved the movie as well. Mission accomplished. Really, what more can one ask for in a wife?

Mission accomplished. Loved the dinner, loved Iron Man.

Confidential to guys with beards - man, when you clean out your laptop's keyboard, there sure is a lot of beard in there, isn't there?

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